Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Anti-choice lawmaker quotes

According to the people (MEN) who run our country, women lie about rape to get abortions, abortion should be illegal just as heroin and we should be planning for rape because it could happen.

Basically, these men are saying, 'Suck it up, ladies. You're only as valuable as your uterus, and we think that we should moderate what happens to it.'

I hope anyone reading this is royally disgusted. Make no mistake; you are worthless to these people unless you plan on reproducing. Think about that next time you vote.

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

Ohio pushing for Heartbeat Bill


The Heartbeat Bill has passed the House, and is moving on to the senate, and then needs to be signed by the governor.

Through this bill, abortion would be banned as soon as a heartbeat can be detected which can be as early as 4 weeks after conception which is when most women realize they are pregnant. 

Ohio has also passed bans on insurance coverage on abortions. Additionally, a 20 week abortion ban passed in the House.

No problem, Ohio - women will just take weekly pregnancy tests to make sure that they can catch it before a heartbeat begins. I totally can see how this is about "life" and NOT about controlling women and their bodies. 

No really...

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

HB 854 (North Carolina) vetoed

Thanks to Gov. Beverly Perdue a bill introduced a bill that would mandate a 24-hour waiting period and counseling for a woman to obtain an abortion. This would include a phone or in person counseling session, and would require an ultrasound in which the woman would be forced to listen to the narrative of the fetus progression. The patient would have the option to not look, but that seems like an excuse of a consolation. Women would also be given information about the responsibilities of the father, the options of adoption and health care or social services that could assist the woman with child care. Furthermore, they would be told the health risks of having a safe abortion, which is laughable and clearly just an excuse to try to scare women into carrying out the pregnancy in case guilt doesn't do the trick. 

Dr. Takey Crist, owner of the obstetrics-gynecology Crist Center for Women in Jacksonville, N.C. stated it best when he said: 

This is about men trying to control women's lives. What would happen if a man wanted Viagra or Cialis and we tried to make them wait for it? You can write these restrictions, you can make them law. But I'm telling you after 40 years of doing this, if a woman wants an abortion, she will find a way to get one.

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

South Dakota's invasive tactic at coercing women to carrying out pregnancies

Planned Parenthood is facing many battles as I've documented in many posts since I began my blog. As of yesterday, South Dakota PP is fighting a battle to stop the mandatory 'counseling' and 72 hour wait period for women to access abortion services.

According to PP's South Dakota website, these crisis pregnancy centers are unaccredited, unlicensed, and unregulated which would undoubtedly make the 'counseling' given by the staff pretty invalid and merely a platform for them to express their ideological viewpoints, and guilt women into keeping unwanted pregnancies.

Clearly stated:

“The people of South Dakota twice have told their legislators at the ballot box that they don’t want politicians intruding in personal medical decisions,” said Sarah Stoesz, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota. “But lawmakers persist in creating these costly and divisive distractions. Their actions show complete contempt for voters’ wishes, not to mention women’s ability to make their own personal medical decisions.”

In addition:

"South Dakota’s abortion regulations already are the most burdensome in the country. The state has a 24-hour mandatory delay in place. In addition, a woman must be offered the opportunity to view a sonogram, and her responses must be recorded as part of her permanent medical records. And she must receive a government-dictated message from her doctor that is designed to intimidate and dissuade her."

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

Back to blogging!

I've been on hiatus for a while as a result of the semester ending, and a trip to Venice and Rome through the School of Visual Arts Masters Workshop.

While we were listening to a lecture about typeface in Rome, this slide came up and of course I couldn't help but take a photo. Translated literally, it means "abortion soar."

I felt this was the break I needed to get some insight, step out of my every day routine and attempt to see more clearly. I also wanted to spark some new ideas for my thesis, potentially.

I met Cristina Chiappini and I am now emailing her about her work.

I will be back to blogging and tweeting regularly.

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.