Sunday, November 13, 2011



Date: Wed, Nov. 16th
Location: 144 W14th St. Floor #7
Time: 3PM - 9PM
Cost: FREE!

Please join me as I open up my exhibition and exploration to the world and hopefully, gain some essential feedback for my final thesis paper.

Thank you! Bring a friend!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Exhibition date has been set!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

144 West 14th St (between 6th & 7th Ave)
Pratt Manhattan Campus 
Communications Design Gallery 
7th Floor

TBD, but probably somewhere between 3PM-9PM

Thanks for reading! I'll post some more information about my progress!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Help needed, readers!

If anyone has any leads on exhibition spaces (galleries, studios, lofts, etc.) or other spots that could serve the purpose of an exhibition space please let me know! I need a space for my thesis exhibition. Ideally Williamsburg, Greenpoint or possibly Manhattan. Thanks!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Women are the Animals in the Government's Zoo

Recently I was at the Bronx Zoo with some friends. I began thinking about this concept of a zoo, and what it means for these animals. Here are some photos (and please excuse the ones that are clearly not that great as a result of a) me not having brought my baller Nikon, and b) having to take it with glass between us):



Just hanging out, NBD.

first date, maybe?

This dude has an iridescent butt - no lie!

It was actually upon seeing the gorillas (above) that my friend, Amy, had sat down with my partner and started talking to him. I came in during the middle of the conversation and she mentioned that there was a vote taken on some of the animals and whether or not they could/should reproduce. Admittedly, I need to find out more details about this topic, but my interest was peaked and I immediately jotted down a note about it. 

I then started thinking about how it's really very similar that these animals have humans vote on their reproductive system. It's ridiculous that this does not stop at animals: many Congress members in the United States want this to be the case for female humans.

In all fairness, I'm not about to get into a discussion as to whether this is right or wrong for the animals, nor am I going to speculate on how the animals are treated in zoos. I would hope that what I see (which are relatively normal and happy animals) is what it is. Animals rights is an issue for another day for this vegetarian...

Another point I wanted to make is that in these displays (for lack of a better word) the viewers and the animals are given the impression that they are free in their natural habitats. Scenery in the background is created to give viewers and animals the feeling of really being out in the wild. In many cases (especially for the animals who can climb or fly to greater heights) some sort of net ceiling is present so they cannot ascend more than the zoo wants them to and ultimately, they will remain contained. This exactly correlates with the constant power struggle from the conservatives in the United States to keep women and their bodies under the government's control. 

I'm wondering if this is a starting point for me and an exhibition I can create...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Robbie Conal - Guerilla Postering

For those who are not familiar with Robbie Conal, he's a guerilla artist (and from the tips he gives on his website, quite the pro at it, too!) Originally from NYC, Conal always had a love for art and had a reputation for causing trouble and being escorted out of art museums and public libraries. An undergraduate student of San Francisco State University and graduate student of Stanford University, Conal used his education, social concerns and personality to begin making images that expressed his interest in "politics, power and the abuses of both."

He felt that art institutions were frequently unreceptive to this point of view, and therefore took it upon himself to being guerilla postering all over Los Angeles, where he now lives.

On his website he gives great advice about guerilla postering, titled "Guerilla Etiquette and Postering Techniques." Here, he very succinctly states what he finds to be the purpose of guerilla art:

"A surprise for people on their way to work in the morning. Critical ideas where people least expect them. To tickle the general public into thinking along with us about issues we think are important to the health of American democracy, the Constitution, our First Amendment rights, and the future of Hip-Hop Nation."

I especially appreciate the fact that in his advice for people who want to pursue guerilla postering that they do NOT cause trouble with/for the police. He explains that they are only doing their job and that it really behooves the artist to be compliant and not cause a ruckus.

Here are some examples of his work:

One point he makes that struck me particularly because this is the goal of my thesis:

"Empowerment: To take direct cooperative action on an issue that concerns us. For the general public who feel they have no avenues of resistance to the dominant power structure, no community support system, no ability to change their situation. To change apathy and cynicism to optimism."

For my first blog entry which describes the purpose of my blog, please click here. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cause Marketing = TOM's Shoes

I'm sure the company TOMS needs no introduction but just for the sake of being consistent I will give a little background on the company. Blake Mycoskie visited Argentina back in 2006, bonded with children he met there and realized that they had no shoes to protect their feet. In an effort to change this, Blake got the idea of creating shoes that, when bought, would also provide a pair for a child: One for One. 

Blake chose shoes for a few reasons:

1. Many diseases are absorbed into the skin in developing nations, and can eventually cause serious harm.
2. Bare feet leave children vulnerable to cuts, and sores that can get infected and have serious health problems.
3. Children without shoes to wear with uniforms cannot attend school. Without school, these children are unable to fully explore their intellectual potential.

This idea has been insanely successful. I cannot tell you how many people I see in NYC wearing these shoes. I have three pairs, plan to get more and I have to say that they are QUITE comfortable.

More recently, TOMS has also started the Giving Sight program. Here is how it works (straight from TOMS website):

What a great idea! Giving Sight is taking place now in Nepal, Cambodia and Tibet. 

One concept that I've been encouraged to look into with my goal of making passive pro-choicers active pro-choicers is cause marketing. I've tried looking into examples of how ideas can be shared, people will make contributions and what would cause them to do so.

I've talked to some people, and one opinion I've received is that people will take action when they feel empowered, and feel as if their action is actually making a difference. If they feel there's not point or "I'm one person" it's not so motivating. However, if they can see the difference, especially quickly, they are more motivated. 

The work of TOMS has been instrumental in helping these children and now adults too. I'm trying to take this inspiration to see if I can also somehow find a way to incorporate this idea into my design solution.

For my first blog entry which describes the purpose of my blog, please click here. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

A nod to the open-minded religious individuals

"Making the decision to have an abortion may have been difficult for you, but God understands that life is complicated and sometimes there aren't clear cut answers to life's most difficult questions."

I wanted to take a moment to recognize those are highly involved in their religion, spirituality and belief in God, but don't hold the same views on abortion as the judgmental ideological crazies you see in front of abortion clinics, yelling at women and telling them they will burn in hell.

There are individuals who are very involved in their religious beliefs who also hold a firm belief that abortion is a personal choice and that each woman should be able to make it for herself.

I wanted to be sure to acknowledge these individuals so as not to alienate them or group them into a mass of religious fanatics when they don't belong there. Just as I think it's incredibly unfair for a religious individual to judge me on my decisions, I don't want to judge others purely based on the fact that they hold firmly to their religious beliefs. The fact is that we don't know how people truly feel or think until we ask. For those who belong to this group, we hear you and we thank you for your openness.

For my first blog entry which describes the purpose of my blog, please click here.                                  

Steinem quote

I did not see any way that I could possibly 
give birth to someone else, and also give 
birth to myself. 
[Gloria Steinem, on her decision to have an abortion.]

Taking inspiration from Gran Fury

Gran Fury artists

As I have been brainstorming how I can create my design solution that will empower passive pro-choicers to take action against the Anti-Choice agenda, I met with my thesis professor last week and he gave me some ideas. One thing he said was that I should look to other important movements to see what they did and tactics they may have used.

My friend, Alenka (she's a designer and she's awesome!), came to Greenpoint about 2 weeks ago and we had lunch. She'd made a suggestion to me to look into Gran Fury, so I did.

Gran Fury was a collection of work by artists who were also AIDS activists. This activism was expressed through agitprop art (i.e. agitational propoganda art.) The name was derived from the Plymouth automobile favored by NYC police. Gran Fury was born from ACT UP/NY (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, New York.) This agitprop art was expressed via posters, stickers, printed ads, fliers, bus signs and billboards. Additionally, photographs and slides were reproduced and used.

Here are some examples of their work:

Kissing Doesn't Kill

Sexism Rears Its Unprotected Head
Pope Piece

I got my information and images from the NYPL. For my first blog entry which describes the purpose of my blog, please click here.                                  

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How Much Time Should She Do?

I've been in contact with David Benzaquen, Political & Legislative Action Coordinator at NARAL Pro-Choice New York, who has been really helpful in directing me to some information that I can use for my thesis.

One website, in particular, that he directed me to was created back in 2008 for the presidential election. NARAL created a website entitled 'How Much Time Should She Do?' This website explores the criminalization of abortion, if made illegal as a result of electing a pro-life President and Vice President.

There are statistics (which at this point are not the most updated, but gives the visitor a general sense), tells the visitor where action is being taken against women to strip their anatomical rights, HOW it affects women and what the user can do to take action.

I found it to be very well organized and not overwhelming in terms of the information given. I find that one thing that may scare people away at times when it comes to very controversial topics such as abortion is the fact that they are bombarded with information so much so, that the user eventually navigates away because there is just too much to digest at once. It was very succinct and well organized.

Under the very first link, 'What happens if...' hosts a video that was taken at an Anti-Abortion demonstration in Libertyville, Illinois (does anyone else see the irony in that?) These people, from what I observed from the video, have all been doing this for at least 2 years. When questioned about what they think should happen to women who get illegal abortions if abortion, in fact, becomes illegal as they feel it should be the answers were even more ridiculous than their cause.

The most common response?

"I don't know. I haven't given that much thought."

Huh, that's interesting. So you've been working for this cause for multiple years and you're positive that you are fighting for the right thing, and yet you haven't given any thought to what will happen to women who get an abortion illegally?

I have to admit that the response that really frustrated me was the response that women should not be sent to jail because the abortion is punishment enough. Why would that change if abortion were legal? I can confidently say that women who have abortions are not doing cartwheels on their way to the clinic, nor are they having abortions and then immediately heading out to the local bar to celebrate. The depression, guilt and grief are very real emotions these women experience as a result of having an abortion.

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first entry that briefly describes the purpose.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Progress So Far

It is July 22, 2011 and my thesis is due written and designed in a little less than 5 months. I'm not gonna lie; I'm a little panicky.

Essentially, I'm pursuing a topic that is very close to my heart (not to mention my uterus) and while I'm gathering information, I'm appalled by some of the information that I'm reading and it's a cause I want to fight for I can't say that I'm getting the golden idea just yet. I'm trying to take all the information, random ideas I come up with and see if I can somehow fuse it all. There are so many ideas and information running through my head right now that I don't know what to do with it all.

Here is something that I came across and figured it was worth writing about, especially if it ends up inspiring me: 50 Guerilla Marketing Tactics You Should Be Using

Sticky Notes – Another way to use your stamper or even your printer. Sticky notes are noticeable anywhere because people know what they’re for; notes. Put these on local business doors, offices, cars, or above mail boxes in apartment complexes and people will take notice.

So many stamps – Looking for a way to get noticed in the huge pile of advertising mail potential clients get? Send your promo material in a big manilla envelope and put 39 – 1 cent stamps on it. Out of 100 envelopes, who’s do you think will catch the eye first?

Fake publicity stunt – you could have people picket your storefront with signs that read “This business is too nice” or “Company X is too good at their job”. Theres a million fake publicity stunts, use your imagination and I bet it’ll work no matter how weird or out of the box it seems.

Temporary Tattoos – I seen a post on some guerrilla marketing ideas over at Daily Bits and they talked about this as well. These tattoos will last for X amount of days and would be perfect for blog expos or other events where tons of people will be. Placing it in a weird place (forehead, neck, full back, foot, ect) is also a great way to get it noticed. Hey, if people talk about it, thats the whole point right?

Window decals – get a custom printed window decal on your car with your logo/website and possibly a slogan. looks professional, and is great for red lights.

I highlighted the ones that I thought I could most realistically use, if I went about it in the printed sense, for the most part. The wheels are turning, but I'm still waiting for my "A-ha!" moment.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"These recommendations are based on science and existing literature.”

Great news from Washington! A panel of medical professionals recommended that all insurers be required to cover all contraceptives for women as a part of the new health care law.

Obama's team stated that "they were inclined to accept the panel's advice and that the new requirements could take effect for many plans at the beginning of 2013." Kathleen Sebelius (secretary of health and human services) revealed a 10-year plans to improve the health of the U.S. citizens (which was submitted to her by the Institute of Medicine - part of the National Academy of Sciences.) Contraceptive coverage was one of the changes proposed. Officials would like to act on said recommendations by August 1 and are receptive to the proposition of removing cost from birth control for U.S. women as a barrier to keep them from receiving it. Obviously, these recommendations were whole heartedly supported by women's rights supporters and organizations, and rejected by the Roman Catholic Church.

As stated by Ms. Sebelius: "This report is historic. Before today, guidelines regarding women’s health and preventive care did not exist. These recommendations are based on science and existing literature.”

(SCIENCE, people!)

The panel who submitted these recommendations concluded that insurers should be forbidden to create a monetary wall for women to pass over or through, thus making it more difficult for them to receive the preventative tools they need to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Additionally, the medical panel recommended that that government require health plans to screen for detection of domestic violence, H.I.V. as well as counseling and equipment to promote breastfeeding with free breast pump rentals, gestational diabetes in pregnant women, DNA testing for HPV and other preventative screening.

As part of supporting evidence for said recommendations, the medical panel said that almost 50% of all pregnancies in the United States are unintended, and of those unintended, 40% end in abortion. If women had unrestricted access to contraception there would be far unintended pregnancies, teen pregnancies and (shocker of all shocks!) abortions.

Cost has not yet been considered but according to the panel it is highly cost effective.

Barbara A. Mikulski (Democrat of Maryland) said it best: “We are one step closer to saying goodbye to an era when simply being a woman is treated as a pre-existing condition. We are saying hello to an era where decisions about preventive care and screenings are made by a woman and her doctor, not by an insurance company.”

For more information, see Robert Pear's article in the New York Times.

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first entry that briefly describes the purpose.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The "Life" Zone

You may or may have heard about this movie that came out, 'The Life Zone' about three women who are essentially kidnapped and forced to stay in a hospital and carry our their pregnancies. Here is a clip of the movie:

Utterly creepy? Yes, it definitely is. Although I still do want to see this movie and use it as research I know what happens at the end. I'll shed some light because I'm sure any pro-choice people reading this entry won't be rushing out to see this crap; the twist to the movie is that these women are not actually alive. They are stuck in purgatory because they chose to have abortions in their first trimesters, and of course something went wrong with all three procedures (as described by right-winged crazies regardless of the fact that its one of the safest medical procedures to have in the United States unless women are running out and having botched abortions BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO SAFE ONES.) 

The result? They end up in purgatory. The doctor starring in this film is exceptionally creepy and it turns out that she ends up in purgatory after she chooses to kill herself when her husband leaves her for a younger, more fertile woman who isn't quite as focused on her career. PERISH THE THOUGHT! A woman having a career and caring about it?! Honestly, sometimes I don't know why I'm even bothering with graduate school. I have a uterus and a regular partner - what could I possibly have to contribute to society as a woman?

For anyone interested in the "brains" behind this POS: Kenneth Del Vecchio, who is a lawyer, author and apparently tried to get into the senate but didn't quite make it. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again; women's reproductive rights have nothing to do with life, and everything to do with these men running the country and not wanting to let go of power.  

Thank goodness there are men in this country who don't see us merely as egg factories. (And for all the men reading this and falling into this category - we appreciate your support!) Here is an example of a man who not only thinks this movie was absurd, but has an absolutely phenomenal way of creating satire with its plot. (I can't find it on youtube, but seriously watch it. It's hilarious.)

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Anti-choice lawmaker quotes

According to the people (MEN) who run our country, women lie about rape to get abortions, abortion should be illegal just as heroin and we should be planning for rape because it could happen.

Basically, these men are saying, 'Suck it up, ladies. You're only as valuable as your uterus, and we think that we should moderate what happens to it.'

I hope anyone reading this is royally disgusted. Make no mistake; you are worthless to these people unless you plan on reproducing. Think about that next time you vote.

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

Ohio pushing for Heartbeat Bill


The Heartbeat Bill has passed the House, and is moving on to the senate, and then needs to be signed by the governor.

Through this bill, abortion would be banned as soon as a heartbeat can be detected which can be as early as 4 weeks after conception which is when most women realize they are pregnant. 

Ohio has also passed bans on insurance coverage on abortions. Additionally, a 20 week abortion ban passed in the House.

No problem, Ohio - women will just take weekly pregnancy tests to make sure that they can catch it before a heartbeat begins. I totally can see how this is about "life" and NOT about controlling women and their bodies. 

No really...

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

HB 854 (North Carolina) vetoed

Thanks to Gov. Beverly Perdue a bill introduced a bill that would mandate a 24-hour waiting period and counseling for a woman to obtain an abortion. This would include a phone or in person counseling session, and would require an ultrasound in which the woman would be forced to listen to the narrative of the fetus progression. The patient would have the option to not look, but that seems like an excuse of a consolation. Women would also be given information about the responsibilities of the father, the options of adoption and health care or social services that could assist the woman with child care. Furthermore, they would be told the health risks of having a safe abortion, which is laughable and clearly just an excuse to try to scare women into carrying out the pregnancy in case guilt doesn't do the trick. 

Dr. Takey Crist, owner of the obstetrics-gynecology Crist Center for Women in Jacksonville, N.C. stated it best when he said: 

This is about men trying to control women's lives. What would happen if a man wanted Viagra or Cialis and we tried to make them wait for it? You can write these restrictions, you can make them law. But I'm telling you after 40 years of doing this, if a woman wants an abortion, she will find a way to get one.

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

South Dakota's invasive tactic at coercing women to carrying out pregnancies

Planned Parenthood is facing many battles as I've documented in many posts since I began my blog. As of yesterday, South Dakota PP is fighting a battle to stop the mandatory 'counseling' and 72 hour wait period for women to access abortion services.

According to PP's South Dakota website, these crisis pregnancy centers are unaccredited, unlicensed, and unregulated which would undoubtedly make the 'counseling' given by the staff pretty invalid and merely a platform for them to express their ideological viewpoints, and guilt women into keeping unwanted pregnancies.

Clearly stated:

“The people of South Dakota twice have told their legislators at the ballot box that they don’t want politicians intruding in personal medical decisions,” said Sarah Stoesz, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota. “But lawmakers persist in creating these costly and divisive distractions. Their actions show complete contempt for voters’ wishes, not to mention women’s ability to make their own personal medical decisions.”

In addition:

"South Dakota’s abortion regulations already are the most burdensome in the country. The state has a 24-hour mandatory delay in place. In addition, a woman must be offered the opportunity to view a sonogram, and her responses must be recorded as part of her permanent medical records. And she must receive a government-dictated message from her doctor that is designed to intimidate and dissuade her."

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

Back to blogging!

I've been on hiatus for a while as a result of the semester ending, and a trip to Venice and Rome through the School of Visual Arts Masters Workshop.

While we were listening to a lecture about typeface in Rome, this slide came up and of course I couldn't help but take a photo. Translated literally, it means "abortion soar."

I felt this was the break I needed to get some insight, step out of my every day routine and attempt to see more clearly. I also wanted to spark some new ideas for my thesis, potentially.

I met Cristina Chiappini and I am now emailing her about her work.

I will be back to blogging and tweeting regularly.

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Exceptionally UNcreative attempt at a parody

If you have been keeping up with my blog, you may remember a post about celebrities who support women's reproductive rights. Specifically, Scarlett Johansson spoke out in support of Planned Parenthood.

This video below is an attempt at a parody (although it lacks humor, wit or anything that typically makes it, you know, an actual parody):

The basic point that the creator attempts to communicate is that Planned Parenthood's birth did not come without prejudices or the most open minded intentions. In fact, through my research I stated the following in a blog entry about the birth of Planned Parenthood:

It is unfortunate that while the idea behind the movement was a positive one, it was affiliated and combined with Darwin's theory (survival of the fittest) and eugenics to argue that birth control was necessary for the "unfit" to discontinue reproducing. At the time, the unfit were considered low income and immigrant populations as well as the "feeble minded" and criminals. With this argument, voluntary motherhood won the support of those needed to get things done.

Was Margaret Sanger a saint? Absolutely not, but this organization helped millions of people throughout the United States from various backgrounds and present day information, statistics and the mission of this organization proves that Planned Parenthood wants nothing BUT people of all ages, ethnicities and sexual orientation to get the health services they need.

Planned Parenthood does not hold on to those ignorant ideals that it may have once been instilled by Sanger. Just because my grandfather may have prejudices against other ethnicities does that mean it has ANYTHING to do with MY beliefs in the present day? No, because THINGS CHANGE.

I honestly feel like a broken record, here. The reason that most PP clinics are set up in minority neighborhoods is because minorities are typically low-income and NEED inexpensive healthcare. Planned Parenthood doesn't slither into low-income areas and coerce people into using their services. Planned Parenthood provides these individuals with an opportunity to maintain a healthy and affordable lifestyle. Not that many Republicans would know anything about being from low-income anything. Funny; they sure do like to make decisions about these groups when they have no concept what it's like to live in their shoes each day.

And on a less substantial but equally critical note, they REALLY couldn't think of something smarter or wittier than putting a "K" in front of Planned Parenthood and doing an absolutely deplorable job of photoshopping in a KKK cloak? Really? That's all they could think of?

I'm just sayin...

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Cost of Unintended Pregnancies

Did you ever wonder how much it costs the United States each year as a result of unintended pregnancies? According to 2 studies by the Guttmacher Institute and the Brookings Institution taxpayers shell out approximately $11 billion each year.

This estimate is considered conservative due to the fact that they only include pubilc insurance costs for pregnancy and first-year infant care. Both studies reached the same conclusion: the United States pubilc would save a significant amount of money by reducing the number of unintended pregnancies were decreased.

Study #1:
The Public Costs of Births Resulting from Unintended Pregnancies: National and State-Level Estimates by Adam Sonfield and colleagues at Guttmacher.

In this study, state-level data was taken from 2006 to estimate the costs per state, then added together to create one cumulative sum for the nation. Through this study it was discovered that 2/3 of births resulting from unintended pregnancies (i.e. more than 1 million births) are publicly funded, and that proportion is 80% in some states. If women had all the health services available to them and their reproductive rights were honored, approximately $11.1 billion would be saved.

If Republicans are looking to cut money and save, how about we look here? Or better yet, why don't YOU pay that $11.1 billion if you're so concerned about this 'moral dilemma?'
“Investing in publicly funded family planning to help women avoid unintended pregnancy has a proven track record: In the absence of the services provided at publicly funded family planning centers, the costs of unintended pregnancy would be 60% higher than they are today.”

Study #2:
Unintended Pregnancy and Taxpayer Spending by Emily Monea and Adam Thomas

Through this study, Monea and Thomas estimated the cost of unintended pregnancy by counting 2001 national estimates of the outcomes of publicly financed unintended pregnancies (births, abortions, miscarriages and need for infant medical care) and multiplying those counts by the average cost per outcome." The costs estimated for these women and the infants born as a result of unintended pregnancies fell between $9.6 and $12.6 billion dollars, averaging $11.3 million. If these unintended pregnancies were prevented, pubilc savings would fall between $4.7 billion and $6.2 billion, averaging $5.6 billion. "
Policymakers should protect and even increase investments in such proven cost-saving strategies as publicly subsidized family planning services and evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs.”

There was also third study highlighted that describes some of the rates of unintended pregnancies by state. It comes as no surprise that the highest rates of unintended pregnancies were found in states with large urban area (which equal more people and more probability that it will happen) and South and Southwest states where, based on my research, sex education is not stressed.

If you are just beginning to read my blog, 
here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I could just kiss this man!

For all the women out there, wondering if we'll ever hear about a legislation that supports reproductive rights, here it is:

Steve Rothman (D-NJ) reintroduced CARE (Compassionate Assistance for Rape Emergencies) Act, which would "prohibit any federal funds from being provided to a hospital, unless the hospital meets certain conditions related to a woman who is a victim of sexual assault, including:

1. Providing the woman with accurate and unbiased information about emergency contraception
2. Offering emergency contraception to the woman
3. Providing the woman such contraception at the hospital on her request
4. Not denying any such services because of the inability of the woman or her family to pay."

Furthermore, Rep. Rothman states I strongly believe that women, not the government or anyone else, must have full control over their health care decisions. Legislation should support that fundamental right, not weaken it. And while I understand how passionate people on both sides of this debate are, we all agree that we should avoid unintended pregnancies, especially in the case of rape or sexual assault.

Well, Rep. Chris Smith; we know you won't be supporting this bill since you would like redefine rape to trim off some abortion coverage for women who desperately need and deserve it.

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Vegetarians: Shouldn't they logically be pro-life?

According to the website, Live Action: Talk about human rights, abortion and the right to life and author Ana Benderas, vegetarians should be pro-life (assuming) that a person would choose to maintain a vegetarian diet because they:

"...believe that their [animals'] lives are valuable and worthy of respect. The fallacy of thinking that pro-lifers should be vegetarian is founded on the false premise that the lives of non-human animals are equal in value to that of human lives, or that animals are entitled to an equal or greater protection than humans. But I will never accept that killing a chicken is equal to the moral degradation of murdering a person unless someone can clarify what makes non-human animals equal to humans that their lives need to be protected in the same way? Unless someone can prove that non-human animals are equal in value to people, I make the claim that pro-lifers do not need to be vegetarian. "

Let's just get the most obvious argument out of the way: not all vegetarians do it for moral reasons. I am a vegetarian, and have been for over 2 years for a few reasons. At first, when I began reading more about what I was actually ingesting and supporting as a meat eater I was HORRIFIED. I don't need to go into detail about hormones and chemicals, or how disgusting animals are treated on factory farms. However, I will say that when I started my new diet a good 60% of the reason for it was a result of how I was feeling about animal rights. The rest was a health decision, but since I couldn't see a direct improvement or change by just stopping my meat consumption it was mostly the immediate result of thinking about animals not being harmed, esp. in such an inhumane way. Over 2 years later, I've had some health benefits that are invaluable; health benefits that I never had before and most importantly, health benefits that have made my life significantly less stressful. Honestly, at this point I find the benefits to be 70% health related, and 30% animal related. I'm sure other people who have made this change in their diet have experienced benefits as well so in summation, not all people who give up meat do it for the animals.

Second, the fact that this writer, Ms. Benderas, sees animals as worth less than humans is her own take on life. I find it hard to believe that someone who 'values' life so much can say that one is more important than the other. I'd argue, who's to say that it stops at animals? Does she also think that people of a certain income or background are less valuable? Where do we draw the line? So basically, life is precious as long as you're human? I'm not sure how I personally feel about it and I won't lie and say that I'd be the first person to attend an animal rights demonstration, but I do think that one cannot pound their fist, preaching about life and how it should be cherished only to follow it up with, "...unless you're not human: then you don't really count."

Third, she is assuming that because there may be a fetus inside of a woman that the woman is then merely a house; a protective barrier; a thing, and not a human being with her own body, agenda and rightful autonomy over what happens within her body. For a female to reduce other women to just a case of some sort is absolutely appalling.

My argument supports the belief that women are individuals, capable of making their own moral decisions without the government or anyone else present to make judgements and infiltrate our uteruses. Furthermore, my pro-choice point of view fully supports my vegetarian view that we should stay out of the  lives of animals and stop trying to force them to exist in our world merely because they are weaker and don't have a voice. Similarly, pro-life ideological propaganda is based on the same ideas of attacking the weaker members of society and calling the shots for them. With my mentality, it actually makes PERFECT sense why I would be a vegetarian who is pro-choice.

I want to clarify that by no means do I think that all meat eaters share a pro-life view, nor do I believe that all of them want to repress women and their anatomical rights. Some people just like meat! Some people are not bothered by what happens to the animals, and I will never fault or judge a meat eater for feeling that way. As I stated before, I was a meat eater for 26 years and never for a moment supported pro-life politics. However, the poor and hypocritical argument that Ms. Benderas makes is an indication that she does not, in fact, value life as much as she claims to.

As a vegetarian, I don't preach my diet choices to people. My choice not to eat meat (red, poultry or fish) is exactly that: a choice. I don't press my views on others because at the end of the day, we all live with the choices we make and if we're happy with them (diet or reproductive related), it's no one's business but our own.

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Way to go, Indiana.

If all continues the way its been going. Indiana will be the first state to defund Planned Parenthood as seen in the 66-32 vote yesterday at the House. Now it has been approved by both the Senate, House and is now expected to be signed by Gov. Mitch Daniel.

Not only will HB1210 cut the $3 million of federal money for Planned Parenthood's family planning and health services (excluding abortion services because abortion services are not federally funded) but it will also do the following:
  • Ban abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy (never mind that the Supreme Court has ruled to make that mark at 24 weeks for fetal viability)
  • Provide women of Indiana with potentially false information in attempt to scare them out of having an abortion (i.e. tell them they are at greater risk for breast cancer, increased chances of risky pregnancies and infertility)
  • Guilt them into not having an abortion by forcing them to have an ultrasound and listen to the heartbeat (this can only be refused if they provide written refusal in advance.)
  • State policy becomes: life begins at conception, and fetuses feel pain. This ideological information would be used as another form of guilt, and would be explicitly stated to a woman before she could have an abortion. 
  • "Cost the state approximately $4 million in federal Medicaid family planning funds, because federal law does not allow states to choose which providers can offer family planning services to Medicaid patients."
If he decides to sign, I hope Gov. Daniel can live with himself knowing that tons of low income individuals in Indiana will be left without affordable cervical cancer screenings, access to contraception, breast exams and mammograms, testing for STI's and family planning information (which would be incredibly useful if you're trying to minimize the number of abortions!)
    (Information for this post was provided by MS. Magazine online.)

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    Wednesday, April 27, 2011

    Verdict: Dillard's letters to Dr. Means are "intimidating," not "threatening"

    Update on Dr. Mila Means: Wichita Judge would not issue an injunction requiring Angel Dillard (individual who has been targeting and threatening Dr. Means) to keep a distance of 250 feet from Dr. Means, her home and her clinic. The judge defined Dillard's messages "Intimidating" but was not clearly a "true threat,"

    This request came from the Department of Justice under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. To refresh your memory, here is a clip of Dillard's "intimidating" (but DEFINITELY not threatening!) letter:

    Thousands of people are already looking into your background, not just in Wichita, but from all over the U.S. They will know your habits and routines. They know where you shop, who your friends are, what you drive, where you live. You will be checking under your car everyday-because maybe today is the day someone places an explosive under it.

    We will not let this abomination continue without doing everything we can to stop it.

    What is also frightening is that many of these threats made by Dillard are eerily similar to those made against Dr. Tiller in 2009 before he was murdered by Scott Roeder. The same pattern of protests, threats and "intimidation" are being used against Dr. Means. 

    As if more supporting information is needed to highlight how dangerous Dillard is, she is a huge fan of Roeder's, having exchanged letters and phone calls and plans to visit him in jail. 

    Below is a picture of Angel Dillard. Am I the only one who sees the crazy in her eyes?

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    Monday, April 25, 2011

    Ella (emergency contraceptive)

    Thanks to reader, Emily, this newer emergency contraceptive was brought to my attention. Ella works in a way that is similar to EC's like Plan B except for the fact that you can take it up to 5 days after failed contraception on unprotected sex. It can be taken at any point in your cycle, and is especially helpful since sperm can live in your body for up to 5 days. There is even an option for you to enter what date you had unprotected sex to see if you should take Ella, or see your doctor.

    You do need a prescription for Ella. Once you have one you can either bring it to your pharmacy (most pharmacies have this EC) or you can place the prescription online. As always this should not be used as birth control, and it is NOT the abortion pill. Simply put, it delays ovulation. Click on the image for more information.

    If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

    Wednesday, April 20, 2011

    Haven't you heard? Planned Parenthood "sells" abortions

    Please just read this statement, and tell me how ridiculous it is:

    Planned Parenthood, the largest seller of abortions in the United States, has located 80% of its abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods, disproportionally targeting minorities for abortion.

    A) Seller?? This isn't a freakin' flea market! They provide medical services.
    B) I notice that OR fails to state the stats as to how much of PP's services involve abortion coverage. In case anyone hasn't heard, only 3% of their services are related to abortion. The remainder of their services can be found on this fact sheet.

    I'm sure the reason PP typically sets up shop in minority neighborhoods has NOTHING to do with the fact that the remaining 97% of their medical services are more affordable for low income individuals which, SHOCKER OF ALL SHOCKS! are usually found in minority neighborhoods. In fact, people of low income don't need pap smears, breast exams, family planning information, preventative care or testing for STI's. It makes so much more sense for Planned Parenthood to take the 3% of their services and base their location around that, and then COERCE minority women into having abortions. PP sure has it all figured out! I'm sure Cecile Richards is sitting in her office right now, snickering and and thinking to herself, "Suckaaaaas!!!"

    Come on, Operation Rescue. Perhaps you should look at all the facts before you start spewing your ideological garbage and trying to CREATE racism and tension where it doesn't exist. Planned Parenthood is nothing but incredibly supportive and helpful for these communities.

    Can you say the same for your organization?

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    Kansas abortion provider targeted/harassed by pro-life activists

    Dr. Mila Means is the target of anti-choice extremist protest and harassment in Wichita, KS including protests outside of her practice and even her home. The Wichita Operation Rescue (a.k.a. the group that tormented Dr. George Tiller until he was murdered in 2009) published Dr. Means' address on their website.

    A complaint was filed against Angel Dillard, 44 for writing a threatening letter, claiming that thousands were looking into her background, claiming that "They will know your habits and routines. They know where you shop, who your friends are, what you drive, where you live."

    According to the Feminist Majority Foundation,  Dillard is accused of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE), a law protecting abortion clinics. If enforced, FACE would prohibit Dillard from contacting Means or coming within 250 feet of her home and the clinic.

    This harassing behavior has reportedly only gotten worse since Barack Obama was elected and Dr. Tiller's assassination.

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    Tuesday, April 19, 2011

    For once, a Republican with whom I see eye to eye!

    Indiana's anti-Planned Parenthood bill passed the Senate 36-13, which banned funding for Planned Parenthood as well as any health providers that offered abortion services. This also requires clinics to now:

    1. Tell women in writing that human life begins when the egg is fertilized
    2. That abortions could increase infertility chances (right, as if the GOP gives a rat's a** about my reproductive health) 
    3. A fetus might feel pain at or before 20 weeks.

    Sen. Vaneta Baker (R-IN) sees a great deal of hypocrisy in the Republican party's agenda, especially in their attempt to "preserve life" and place children as the utmost importance, and yet they voted to defend programs for mentally disabled children? I guess when it's convenient for them to stand up for kids they choose to do so.

    She also continued, “If our goal is to prevent abortions, we should not be proposing this...This piece of legislation will increase abortions.” And of course, she's right! Without organizations like Planned Parenthood available to give valuable family planning and PREVENTATIVE information about sex and reproduction, why would a lack of knowledge DECREASE the number of abortions that take place? Considering the fact that unintended pregnancies are the leading cause of abortions, clearly the direct correlation will not change but will only get worse.

    Sen. Baker concluded with the obvious (to anyone with half a brain) that defunding these clinics will only “increase sexually transmitted diseases, and the number of women with precancerous conditions that are screened for by Planned Parenthood.”

    Check out the whole article on Think Progress.

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    Reva B. Siegel

    Upon researching different perspectives, essays and blog posts for my thesis I came across some work written by Professor Reva B. Siegel, a professor at Yale Law School. Siegel looks into the history of law and how inequality can be found throughout the course of our nations cases, rulings, etc.

    In particular, she wrote Sex Equality Arguments for Reproductive Rights: Their Critical Basisand Evolving Constitutional Expression, featured in Yale's Faculty Scholarship Series.  Her arguments and evidence are truly interesting and I highly recommend reading through it if you have the time.

    She currently teaches the following courses at Yale Law School:

    Antidiscrimination Law
    Constitutional Law
    Democratic Constitutionalism
    Equality, Citizenship, and Sovereignty

    Information and image used comes from Yale Law School website.

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    Saturday, April 16, 2011


    Misoprostol is used to prevent ulcers in people who take certain arthritis or pain medicines, including aspirin, that can cause ulcers. It protects the stomach lining and decreases stomach acid secretion.

    Misoprostol is also used sometimes to treat ulcers and to induce labor. Misoprostol is used in combination with mifepristone to end an early pregnancy. 

    Potential side effects:
    • diarrhea
    • headache
    • stomach pain
    • upset stomach
    • gas
    • vomiting
    • constipation
    • indigestion

    This is a drug that has been used by women who either do no have access to safe abortions, or abortions are not covered via health insurance. Does anyone else think that something needs to be done with a woman feels so desperate to cease her pregnancy that she's willing to play with drugs?
    This is only the beginning of a very lengthy list of drugs women will dangerously juggle out of this desperation.
    Information for this post was provided by the NIH.

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