Friday, July 22, 2011

Progress So Far

It is July 22, 2011 and my thesis is due written and designed in a little less than 5 months. I'm not gonna lie; I'm a little panicky.

Essentially, I'm pursuing a topic that is very close to my heart (not to mention my uterus) and while I'm gathering information, I'm appalled by some of the information that I'm reading and it's a cause I want to fight for I can't say that I'm getting the golden idea just yet. I'm trying to take all the information, random ideas I come up with and see if I can somehow fuse it all. There are so many ideas and information running through my head right now that I don't know what to do with it all.

Here is something that I came across and figured it was worth writing about, especially if it ends up inspiring me: 50 Guerilla Marketing Tactics You Should Be Using

Sticky Notes – Another way to use your stamper or even your printer. Sticky notes are noticeable anywhere because people know what they’re for; notes. Put these on local business doors, offices, cars, or above mail boxes in apartment complexes and people will take notice.

So many stamps – Looking for a way to get noticed in the huge pile of advertising mail potential clients get? Send your promo material in a big manilla envelope and put 39 – 1 cent stamps on it. Out of 100 envelopes, who’s do you think will catch the eye first?

Fake publicity stunt – you could have people picket your storefront with signs that read “This business is too nice” or “Company X is too good at their job”. Theres a million fake publicity stunts, use your imagination and I bet it’ll work no matter how weird or out of the box it seems.

Temporary Tattoos – I seen a post on some guerrilla marketing ideas over at Daily Bits and they talked about this as well. These tattoos will last for X amount of days and would be perfect for blog expos or other events where tons of people will be. Placing it in a weird place (forehead, neck, full back, foot, ect) is also a great way to get it noticed. Hey, if people talk about it, thats the whole point right?

Window decals – get a custom printed window decal on your car with your logo/website and possibly a slogan. looks professional, and is great for red lights.

I highlighted the ones that I thought I could most realistically use, if I went about it in the printed sense, for the most part. The wheels are turning, but I'm still waiting for my "A-ha!" moment.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"These recommendations are based on science and existing literature.”

Great news from Washington! A panel of medical professionals recommended that all insurers be required to cover all contraceptives for women as a part of the new health care law.

Obama's team stated that "they were inclined to accept the panel's advice and that the new requirements could take effect for many plans at the beginning of 2013." Kathleen Sebelius (secretary of health and human services) revealed a 10-year plans to improve the health of the U.S. citizens (which was submitted to her by the Institute of Medicine - part of the National Academy of Sciences.) Contraceptive coverage was one of the changes proposed. Officials would like to act on said recommendations by August 1 and are receptive to the proposition of removing cost from birth control for U.S. women as a barrier to keep them from receiving it. Obviously, these recommendations were whole heartedly supported by women's rights supporters and organizations, and rejected by the Roman Catholic Church.

As stated by Ms. Sebelius: "This report is historic. Before today, guidelines regarding women’s health and preventive care did not exist. These recommendations are based on science and existing literature.”

(SCIENCE, people!)

The panel who submitted these recommendations concluded that insurers should be forbidden to create a monetary wall for women to pass over or through, thus making it more difficult for them to receive the preventative tools they need to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Additionally, the medical panel recommended that that government require health plans to screen for detection of domestic violence, H.I.V. as well as counseling and equipment to promote breastfeeding with free breast pump rentals, gestational diabetes in pregnant women, DNA testing for HPV and other preventative screening.

As part of supporting evidence for said recommendations, the medical panel said that almost 50% of all pregnancies in the United States are unintended, and of those unintended, 40% end in abortion. If women had unrestricted access to contraception there would be far unintended pregnancies, teen pregnancies and (shocker of all shocks!) abortions.

Cost has not yet been considered but according to the panel it is highly cost effective.

Barbara A. Mikulski (Democrat of Maryland) said it best: “We are one step closer to saying goodbye to an era when simply being a woman is treated as a pre-existing condition. We are saying hello to an era where decisions about preventive care and screenings are made by a woman and her doctor, not by an insurance company.”

For more information, see Robert Pear's article in the New York Times.

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first entry that briefly describes the purpose.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The "Life" Zone

You may or may have heard about this movie that came out, 'The Life Zone' about three women who are essentially kidnapped and forced to stay in a hospital and carry our their pregnancies. Here is a clip of the movie:

Utterly creepy? Yes, it definitely is. Although I still do want to see this movie and use it as research I know what happens at the end. I'll shed some light because I'm sure any pro-choice people reading this entry won't be rushing out to see this crap; the twist to the movie is that these women are not actually alive. They are stuck in purgatory because they chose to have abortions in their first trimesters, and of course something went wrong with all three procedures (as described by right-winged crazies regardless of the fact that its one of the safest medical procedures to have in the United States unless women are running out and having botched abortions BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO SAFE ONES.) 

The result? They end up in purgatory. The doctor starring in this film is exceptionally creepy and it turns out that she ends up in purgatory after she chooses to kill herself when her husband leaves her for a younger, more fertile woman who isn't quite as focused on her career. PERISH THE THOUGHT! A woman having a career and caring about it?! Honestly, sometimes I don't know why I'm even bothering with graduate school. I have a uterus and a regular partner - what could I possibly have to contribute to society as a woman?

For anyone interested in the "brains" behind this POS: Kenneth Del Vecchio, who is a lawyer, author and apparently tried to get into the senate but didn't quite make it. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again; women's reproductive rights have nothing to do with life, and everything to do with these men running the country and not wanting to let go of power.  

Thank goodness there are men in this country who don't see us merely as egg factories. (And for all the men reading this and falling into this category - we appreciate your support!) Here is an example of a man who not only thinks this movie was absurd, but has an absolutely phenomenal way of creating satire with its plot. (I can't find it on youtube, but seriously watch it. It's hilarious.)

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.