Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The "Life" Zone

You may or may have heard about this movie that came out, 'The Life Zone' about three women who are essentially kidnapped and forced to stay in a hospital and carry our their pregnancies. Here is a clip of the movie:

Utterly creepy? Yes, it definitely is. Although I still do want to see this movie and use it as research I know what happens at the end. I'll shed some light because I'm sure any pro-choice people reading this entry won't be rushing out to see this crap; the twist to the movie is that these women are not actually alive. They are stuck in purgatory because they chose to have abortions in their first trimesters, and of course something went wrong with all three procedures (as described by right-winged crazies regardless of the fact that its one of the safest medical procedures to have in the United States unless women are running out and having botched abortions BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO SAFE ONES.) 

The result? They end up in purgatory. The doctor starring in this film is exceptionally creepy and it turns out that she ends up in purgatory after she chooses to kill herself when her husband leaves her for a younger, more fertile woman who isn't quite as focused on her career. PERISH THE THOUGHT! A woman having a career and caring about it?! Honestly, sometimes I don't know why I'm even bothering with graduate school. I have a uterus and a regular partner - what could I possibly have to contribute to society as a woman?

For anyone interested in the "brains" behind this POS: Kenneth Del Vecchio, who is a lawyer, author and apparently tried to get into the senate but didn't quite make it. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again; women's reproductive rights have nothing to do with life, and everything to do with these men running the country and not wanting to let go of power.  

Thank goodness there are men in this country who don't see us merely as egg factories. (And for all the men reading this and falling into this category - we appreciate your support!) Here is an example of a man who not only thinks this movie was absurd, but has an absolutely phenomenal way of creating satire with its plot. (I can't find it on youtube, but seriously watch it. It's hilarious.)

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

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