Monday, April 25, 2011

Ella (emergency contraceptive)

Thanks to reader, Emily, this newer emergency contraceptive was brought to my attention. Ella works in a way that is similar to EC's like Plan B except for the fact that you can take it up to 5 days after failed contraception on unprotected sex. It can be taken at any point in your cycle, and is especially helpful since sperm can live in your body for up to 5 days. There is even an option for you to enter what date you had unprotected sex to see if you should take Ella, or see your doctor.

You do need a prescription for Ella. Once you have one you can either bring it to your pharmacy (most pharmacies have this EC) or you can place the prescription online. As always this should not be used as birth control, and it is NOT the abortion pill. Simply put, it delays ovulation. Click on the image for more information.

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.


  1. Thanks so much for the mention! I hope this helps women understand that there are other options out there :)

  2. One other thought - the online pharmacy you mentioned is at and has more info :)

  3. Morning After Pill when taken after unprotected sexual intercourse or contraceptive failure, such higher doses may prevent pregnancy from occurring. Mifepristone can also be used as EC, though this drug is not considered an "emergency contraceptive pill." It is an anti-hormonal drug, and does not contain estrogen or progestins.
