Tuesday, April 19, 2011

For once, a Republican with whom I see eye to eye!

Indiana's anti-Planned Parenthood bill passed the Senate 36-13, which banned funding for Planned Parenthood as well as any health providers that offered abortion services. This also requires clinics to now:

1. Tell women in writing that human life begins when the egg is fertilized
2. That abortions could increase infertility chances (right, as if the GOP gives a rat's a** about my reproductive health) 
3. A fetus might feel pain at or before 20 weeks.

Sen. Vaneta Baker (R-IN) sees a great deal of hypocrisy in the Republican party's agenda, especially in their attempt to "preserve life" and place children as the utmost importance, and yet they voted to defend programs for mentally disabled children? I guess when it's convenient for them to stand up for kids they choose to do so.

She also continued, “If our goal is to prevent abortions, we should not be proposing this...This piece of legislation will increase abortions.” And of course, she's right! Without organizations like Planned Parenthood available to give valuable family planning and PREVENTATIVE information about sex and reproduction, why would a lack of knowledge DECREASE the number of abortions that take place? Considering the fact that unintended pregnancies are the leading cause of abortions, clearly the direct correlation will not change but will only get worse.

Sen. Baker concluded with the obvious (to anyone with half a brain) that defunding these clinics will only “increase sexually transmitted diseases, and the number of women with precancerous conditions that are screened for by Planned Parenthood.”

Check out the whole article on Think Progress.

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

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