Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How Much Time Should She Do?

I've been in contact with David Benzaquen, Political & Legislative Action Coordinator at NARAL Pro-Choice New York, who has been really helpful in directing me to some information that I can use for my thesis.

One website, in particular, that he directed me to was created back in 2008 for the presidential election. NARAL created a website entitled 'How Much Time Should She Do?' This website explores the criminalization of abortion, if made illegal as a result of electing a pro-life President and Vice President.

There are statistics (which at this point are not the most updated, but gives the visitor a general sense), tells the visitor where action is being taken against women to strip their anatomical rights, HOW it affects women and what the user can do to take action.

I found it to be very well organized and not overwhelming in terms of the information given. I find that one thing that may scare people away at times when it comes to very controversial topics such as abortion is the fact that they are bombarded with information so much so, that the user eventually navigates away because there is just too much to digest at once. It was very succinct and well organized.

Under the very first link, 'What happens if...' hosts a video that was taken at an Anti-Abortion demonstration in Libertyville, Illinois (does anyone else see the irony in that?) These people, from what I observed from the video, have all been doing this for at least 2 years. When questioned about what they think should happen to women who get illegal abortions if abortion, in fact, becomes illegal as they feel it should be the answers were even more ridiculous than their cause.

The most common response?

"I don't know. I haven't given that much thought."

Huh, that's interesting. So you've been working for this cause for multiple years and you're positive that you are fighting for the right thing, and yet you haven't given any thought to what will happen to women who get an abortion illegally?

I have to admit that the response that really frustrated me was the response that women should not be sent to jail because the abortion is punishment enough. Why would that change if abortion were legal? I can confidently say that women who have abortions are not doing cartwheels on their way to the clinic, nor are they having abortions and then immediately heading out to the local bar to celebrate. The depression, guilt and grief are very real emotions these women experience as a result of having an abortion.

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first entry that briefly describes the purpose.

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