Monday, March 21, 2011

adj \(ˌ)prō-ˈchȯis\

Pro \ˈprō\
in favor of, or supporting

Choice \ˈchȯis\
the opportunity or privilege of choosing freely <freedom of choice>

The reason I felt it necessary to define these words is simply due to the fact that I often feel I am labeled as "pro-abortion" when I am actually pro-choice. Pro-CHOICE means exactly what it means; each individual faced with the situation of being pregnant has full jurisdiction over what she will do with her own body. This doesn't mean that she is FORCED to get an abortion, it doesn't mean she's looked down upon for having a child or shamed for getting pregnant. It simply means that she has the choice of what she wants to do in that particular situation, given her own set of personal circumstances. What she does and the situation she is faced with is NO ONE'S BUSINESS but hers. 

Pro-choice supporters don't do cartwheels, sing and dance at the thought of experiencing an abortion, or at the thought of others having one. It is not a situation that most people take lightly, and it doesn't make pro-choice individuals heartless or evil. Regardless of pro-life attempts at forcing their ideological propaganda down everyone else's throat using fear tactics, I stand firmly that each woman should have the right to choose what to do with her own body.

I use the words 'ideological propaganda' because quite honestly I feel that's exactly what it is when people try to use something like religion and twist it around to try to scare people into joining their side. Religion is a sacred thing to many people, as it should be. However, what I find absolutely unbelievable is how so many of these people think that THEIR religion is the ONLY religion, and that everyone should follow its "teachings." I use quotes around that word because I feel there are many ways in which people choose to interpret their lessons and books of prayer to fit their own narrow minded and bigoted agenda.  Are we really to believe that "God" intended for his/her followers to be such hypocritical, misogynist human beings? I think not.

All I'm saying is, if you don't "believe" in abortion (I still have no idea what that phrase is supposed to mean, but I hear pro-lifers using it all the time - it's not a system of beliefs, it's a stance on a human rights issue) don't get one! You have the right to do whatever you want with your body because it's YOURS. What other human's do with regard to reproductive rights or anything else is NO CONCERN of yours.

I'm proud to be pro-choice; not pro-abortion.

If you are just beginning to read my blog, here is the first post that briefly describes the purpose.

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